Pocket – size Magnetic Susceptibility Meter

Sensitive and accurate tool for field measurement of magnetic susceptibility of outcropping rocks, drill cores or rock samples. The sensitivity is 10 times better than that of the competitive instruments.

SSW System Relative Susceptibility & EM Conductivity Meter

Relative susceptibility and EM conductivity meter that reduces blasting, dilution and increases ore grade within your mining operation.

MPP Probe - Mag Susceptibility & Conductivity Meter

Magnetic Susceptibility and Conductivity Meter measures the magnetic susceptibility as well as the relative and absolute EM conductivity values of small and large objects such as drill cores, samples, outcrops, etc.

Portable Battery-Operated Sample Core IP Tester (SCIP)

The Sample Core IP Tester (SCIP) manufactured by Instrumentation GDD Inc. is an innovative way to measure the electrical properties of drill cores, samples and outcrops. It is a portable, reliable, battery-operated instrument for evaluating the resistive properties and IP response of your cores.

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